Friday, July 29, 2022


We live in a world where you must earn the good things you receive; at least, that was how I was raised. If you wanted to go to Six Flags with the youth group, you had to earn money by mowing the field or some other chore. I knew some kids who just had everything handed to them, but in my world, if you wanted something of value, you earned it. If you wanted good grades, you worked hard for them. If you wanted recognition in sports, band, or any other activity, you worked hard, hoping you were noticed. When it comes to your work life, work hard, and if you see something that needs to be done, do it. Making yourself indispensable was an unspoken rule, and then you will be successful. In relationships, I tried to follow the same guidelines. If I did enough good things, then I would be loved. The sad part of those guidelines, when it comes to relationships and accomplishments, deep down inside, you know you are not as good as people think you are, and if they ever knew who you really were, they wouldn’t love you, and they may not even like you. I am so happy that this world and God’s world are so different. Did you know God loves you even when you fail? Did you know God knows who you are deep inside of your darkest parts, and He still loves you? That is hard to believe because we don’t even love who we are in our darkest parts. Don’t misunderstand what I am saying; God does not love the evil and hateful things we do, but God loves us. God hurts for us, He longs for us, and He wants what is best for us. One of the most significant passages in the Bible is Romans 5:8, which says “God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” So the next time you start beating yourself up because you are not good enough and believe nobody cares for you or loves you, remember this “God loves you, and He has demonstrated His love by giving you the most valuable gift He could ever give.” You are worth the price that was paid. Get up, shake off the world, and live a life worthy of His love. In Him J. Tom Washburn


  1. Thanks for the encouragement Tom! Thinking of and praying for you and Julie!

  2. Thanks Tom! Been thinking about you and Julie and praying for y’all.

  3. Thank you Tom!🙏🏻
