Thursday, January 28, 2010

If you are free, walk out of the cell

The other day I was riding my bike past the prison, and I began to think about freedom. Freedom in Christ is a phrase I heard long before I began to understand what it meant (and I don't claim to understand all that it means now). As I rode past the prison, I knew there were men inside who would love to have the freedom to just be free, but they are confined by locks, doors and bars.
In the spiritual world, when we are in sin we are in prison. We are trapped behind locks, doors and bars that we are powerless to open. While we long to be free, we are powerless to escape, but Christ has opened the door for us. The blood of Jesus Christ has destroyed everything that keeps us captive, but we still need to chose to leave the cell.
So many people are comfortable in their little cell of guilt and shame and they are denying themselves the freedom of forgiveness and grace.
When you find yourself trapped by sin, when you find yourself imprisoned by guilt, walk out of the cell - Christ has already opened the door, He has already made a way.
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

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