Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Five Steps - Part #3

Hear, believe and repent, as we continue looking at the five steps, we are going to spend some time looking at repentance. Too many people look at repentance as a simple apology. Repentance is not an apology, even though an apology may be needed, repentance is a change of heart and a change of life. Repentance is a change of the very paradigm by which you live your life. When you hear and understand the basic truth of a creator God. When you are confronted with His holiness and your unrighteousness, you understand the need for a redeemer. Jesus Christ is that sinless, righteous redeemer. He is the holy one of God and He died to pay the debt you could not pay. When you come to believe in Him as the Son of God, it demands that you make a choice. To choose Christ will demand a course correction (repentance) in your life. It demands that you strive to live worthy of the price He paid for you. You can never be worthy of His offering, and you can never earn His gift, but You can try to live in such a way that God is glorified, and Christ is proud of you. As I have stated in an earlier blog, repentance is a remaking of our life. It is a remaking of our priorities. Repentance is taking the person we were and offering it up to Christ as an offering of gratitude. Repentance demands that I now live my life for Christ and allow Christ to live through me. Repentance means that there is no turning back now, but when you truly hear and believe, there is no desire to turn back to the old life. The new life has more to offer than you can ever imagine. In Him J. Tom Washburn

1 comment:

  1. I am very thankful that you feel like thinking & writing these blogs🙏
