Friday, October 9, 2009


Tonight, Julie and I will go to a High School football game, and we will cheer for our team and hope for a victory. That phrase "hope for a victory" is what I want to talk to you about, you see, I just found out that there will be a baptism this Sunday, so I know that this Sunday there will be victory. "Hope for a victory", isn't that a strange phrase when you talk about the Christian life. The young man that will be baptized just got out of jail, he just got set free and now he is truly going to be set free, I love it.
There is one thing I don't like about our baptistery, there are decorative bars separating it from the rest of the church, the one place in the church that should symbolize being set free and unity, and we have bars.
I want the world to hear this loud and clear, Jesus Christ came to remove the barriers between God and Man, Jesus Christ came to remove sin. God give us the eyes and heart to remove those barriers that Satan erects to harm the fellowship of believers.
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

In Him
J. Tom Washburn

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