Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Have you ever taken the time to figure out what your greatest request is? It is not unusual for me to have a whole laundry list of things that I come to God with when I pray. Like dirty laundry, I want God to clean up the mess, but only in a way that agrees with my desires. I am so selfish, and I imagine you are selfish also. When I was young, I loved looking at the Sears and Roebuck Christmas catalog. I could find something on every page that I wanted. If my parents had ever asked me to pick out just the one thing I wanted, it would have taken me hours to figure out the irreducible minimum. I could go to God with a long list of things I want Him to fix in my present situation. I want him to take the pain away from my back, from my ribs, take the sensation of pins sticking me in the night away and take away those sleepless nights when you just can’t get comfortable. I want to be able to walk fast and run, I want to stand up without pain, and I wish not to be tired all the time. When I look at my list of requests, and I narrow it down to the irreducible minimum, that request says, “I want to be faithful through this journey.” Pain is just the now, but faith is for eternity. I want others to see that you can trust God when things are difficult and inconvenient.

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