Friday, January 14, 2022

One dip down, Six more to go

As I was thinking about writing this week’s blog, my thoughts turned to Naaman, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. At first glance, these men seem to have very little in common; however, each of these men had to go through the entire test to see the ultimate victory go God. First, Naaman had to dip seven times in the Jordan before he was healed. Next, Daniel had to be thrown into the lion’s den before seeing the lions’ mouths closed. Finally, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had to be thrown into the fiery furnace before they saw the presence of God was with them and who would deliver them. This past week I finished my radiation treatments. They told me the radiation would help with the debilitating back pain. But, unfortunately, as of today, I still have the pain, and I feel like Naaman after just one dip in the Jordan. Disappointment does not keep me from trusting in God. My trust and faith in God are not based upon my circumstances. They are based upon who I know God to be. He is with me, even amid new and unexpected symptoms. This past week, I have developed a full-body rash and a very tender mouth. I don’t know when delivery will come. Like Naaman, I am thinking only six more dips. I don’t know how long it will be. I don’t have to know how long it will be. I trust God, and one day I will see His glory. In Him J. Tom Washburn

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