Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You Have More Than You Think You Do

Recently, Julie and I moved. We found a place to live, we got somebody to pack us up and we moved. When we were living in our other house, we were comfortable and we had everything we thought we needed. Now that we are unpacking in our "new" house, I have come to realize that we have more than we could have ever imagined. We have more hide-a-beds than any family should ever have. We have more videos than we will ever watch. We have more glasses than we will ever use. We have more than we ever knew we had.
It is that way in our Christian walk, We Have More Than We Could Ever Imagine. His forgiveness is more than my sin. His love is greater than my fear. My cup does overflow, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

In Him
J. Tom Washburn

1 comment:

  1. all of us that helped you move are so glad you have "more" of everything than you need. ha! We are all so materially blessed. Sunday you talked about, "God is good" and it has blessed my week to be reminded of His goodness, in all aspects.
